The teachers at Willson Preschool understand the trust you put in them when you choose a preschool. This is why we are proud of the teachers who make Willson Preschool a safe place for your child to thrive and grow.

Meet the Staff of Willson Preschool:

Brown Bear Classroom (twos) and Blue Birds (threes)

Renee Sabol BS, Recreational Therapy

Joined Willson in 1998

Meredith Johnson BA, Early Childhood Education and Deaf Education

Joined Willson in 2009

Red Robin Classroom (threes)

April Ganser BS, Elementary Physical Education

At Willson since 2004

Staci Weichel BS, Elementary Education with an Early Childhood Option

At Willson since 2020


Yellow Jacket Classroom (fours)

Liz Mackie Nursing coursework

Substitute teacher before coming to Willson in 2004

Crystal Boxwell BS, Business

Joined Willson in 2018


Green Gator Classroom (fours)

Tami White BS, Elementary Education

Joined Willson in 2004

Amber Wilkinson BA, History, Secondary Teaching Option

Former Willson student, joined the staff in 2015



April Ganser BS, Elementary Physical Education

Jen Sonnichsen MBA, at Willson since 2021

We love our Parent Helpers!

Do you have a special interest or skill to share with the children? 

A place for our four year old class to visit with a field trip? 

Children are always thrilled to have a parent join us for lunch. Throughout the year we may ask for parent help with assisting in the classroom, field trips, play ground work, painting or repairing equipment. There is a newsletter emailed to families at the beginning of each month with information and opportunities for help and donations.

Your help is always welcome and appreciated.